Black Bottle Brewing Releasing Their Newest Cereal Beer
Instead of focusing on basketball during this year's bracket challenge, a local brewery decided to focus on beer-- and a delicious added ingredient.
Black Bottle Brewery hosted a bracket challenge on their Facebook page pitting cereals against each other to see which one should be featured in their annual Ceraliously beer. The winner? Between Reese's Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the latter took the crown.
I've been a fan of their cereal-themed brews since the very's a video of me trying their Count Chocula beer five years ago.
Yeah, my little 21-year-old self thought she was a beer geek, but I can tell you that I've since tried several of Black Bottle's Cerealiously creations and they never disappoint.
You can get Cerealiously Cinnamon Toast Crunch starting April 4th. Cheers!