Beer Fests Inspired by Harry Potter In Denver this February
Wizards and Witches rejoice! Put down the books and pick up a mug! There will be a Harry Potter-themed festival of beer in Denver! Twice!
A festival so big, they're doing it TWO times! Going on in Denver at The Chuch nightclub, and e they're setting aside two separate nights to be adults who love Harry Potter!
Denver 7 has the story on how the first one is on February 09, 2019, and the second one is on the 23rd.
Yes, the place will be decked out to please Harry Potter fans of all ages, but this IS an adult gathering, with TWENTY beers on tap- seasonal mostly- Holiday, pumpkin, etc. But, there will also be BUTTER BEER for adults and an adult version of Snape's Lair of Secret Cider Potions.
There'll be DJs, characters wandering, and your chance to get a pic with Hagrid!
This could be the Best party you'll attend in 2019!