UPDATED- Poudre School District posted an update on their Facebook page:

As of 11:10 a.m., the secure lockout at Preston Middle School has been lifted. Classes are operating on a modified schedule so students can be dismissed at the normal time.

Earlier today Preston received an unsubstantiated threat through the Safe2Tell line regarding a potential violent incident occurring at the school today. In response, Preston put the school on a secured, lockout status where students remained in their classrooms. School Resource Officers, PSD security, Fort Collins Police Services and PSD administrative staff, investigated the threat to the fullest extent and it was determined to be unsubstantiated, with no evidence to support the claim.

Information about the district's emergency procedures may be reviewed on the PSD website under "Emergency Response and Preparedness."

Just one day after a school shooting at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch and 3 weeks after most of the state of Colorado closed schools for safety, Preston Middle School in Fort Collins is currently on lockout with little detail.


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