There's something about a carnival that reminds you of being a kid, without a care in the world except getting some cotton candy.

It'll feel like an episode of the Andy Griffith Show on Saturday, March 5, 2022, when the Larimer County 4-H holds its 63rd annual carnival at The Ranch from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Mark the calendar to get the family together to go have some "good old-fashioned" fun.

The carnival will benefit the 4-H Youth Foundation, a part of the Colorado State University/Larimer County Extension Service, provides financial support for educational opportunities for the 1,000 youth (ages 5 through 18) who participate directly in the 4-H program for Larimer County. They also provide financial support for outreach programs involving 15,000 kids in the area.


  • Bake Sale
  • Door Prizes
  • Carnival Food
  • Over 40 Carnival Games
  • Two Live Auctions at Noon and at 2 p.m.
  • The Carnival dance at 6:00 p.m. in the McKee Building

I picture 4-H kids asking one another out and getting "gussied up" for the dance;  maybe one of the couples' uncles is in the band. Maybe some kids don't even normally make it into the "city" except for Carnival day; it can be a big deal.


Corn dogs, cotton candy, some ice cream. Trying your luck at those fun carnival games like ringing the bell with a sledgehammer (I always have a tough time with that one;) carnival are a great way for family's to celebrate being together.

Plus, when you hear the word "carnival" it reminds you of the word "fair" which reminds you that warmer temperatures and nice weather are not that far off.

Colorado Girl Scout Cookies Ranked Worst to First

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