Windsor Optimist Club’s 2018 Rubber Duck Race July 7
What will you name your ducky? You have a little time to figure that part out, but not much time to get signed up for Windsor's Rubber Duck Race!
For $10 adoption fee, you can enter a rubber duck into Windsor Optimist Club's annual race on Saturday, July 7, 2018. The race will start promptly at 10 a.m. with the ducks being released behind The Windsor Gardener (High Hops) into Greeley #2 ditch. The ducks will make their way in roughly 20-40 minutes to the finish at the 11th Street Canal Bridge behind the Windsor Recreation Center.
There'll be cash prizes! $100, $300 and $500!
The Optimist Club of Windsor is a community service organization dedicated to Bringing out the best in children, our communities, and ourselves. We have been working with kids in Windsor, Colorado since 1973. Optimist clubs are members of a worldwide service organization dedicated to serving the youth in their communities.
I think I'll name my adopted duck 'Billy!'
The deadline to get your duck adoption form filled-out (June 29,2018) - Get all the info on the race from the Windsor Optimist Club, HERE!