It's an annual tradition for skiers and riders around the world. The first chairlifts start cranking in North America and we remember that we should probably do some stretching, if not exercising, to prepare for the season. Yes, preseason checklist time is here.

Purchased pass? Check. Tuned up gear? Check. Vehicle snow worthy and ready to travel? Roger that. Attending yoga regularly so that the days after skiing aren't too painful. Namaste. Been to see Warren Miller's film? Not yet! But we will.

For skiers and riders, attending the annual Warren Miller film is the official kick off of the snow season. Through it, we travel to some of the most interesting and exciting ski locations in the world with the best athletes the sports have to offer. We make pantomime turns in our seats and imagine what it would be like to poke that fat freshy, sail through the sky from a kicker the size of a building, and puff over pillows like heaven has come down to Earth.

This year's film, Flow State, will be shown at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins on Friday October 26 and Saturday October 27. Randy Morgan is the owner of Outpost Sunsport and the person  who has brought the film to Fort Collins for the past 30 years. We rapped about the difference in the films from then and now.

The cinematography is certainly better, their equipment has gotten better, I think the music is better. A lot of us miss Warren Miller being more involved in the films. The skiing and riding that is in the movie is certainly at a far more advanced level than anything we would have seen 30 years ago.

Going to see a Warren Miller film isn't like going to the movies. It is an event. They do tons of giveaways at the event. Gear, tickets, schwag and more builds the excitement. Plus, each ticket is good for a 2 for 1 ticket at Winter Park.

Warren Miller's Flow State will be shown on Friday Oct. 26 at 6:30 and 9:30pm and on Saturday Oct. 27 at 6:00 and 9:00pm. Tickets are available at Outpost Sunsport.


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