Video Shows Deer Crash Through a Bus Window and Escape Unharmed
You won't see a crazier ride to school than this. A security camera on a school bus captured the moment that a deer came crashing through the front window, land on a student and escape. Miraculously, neither deer or student suffered major injuries.
Based on multiple reports, this happened in Powhatan County, Virginia. It happened on April 1, but was no joke. Around 6:07am, a deer came through the front window of the bus, tumbling over a bus seat and landing near a student.
This incident went wildly viral and has been shared by USA Today, The Today Show and many other national news outlets.
NOTE: there is some graphic language so consider the audio NSFW.
The Richmond Times has been quoted as reporting that the student was not injured and the deer escaped safely also. The USA Today story indicated that the bus driver was being praised by school officials for keeping the kids calm and safe while this traumatic incident was happening.
It's another example of what appears to be a very bad situation resulting in no serious harm to animals or people. Truly miraculous in my opinion and no coincidence.