
Robert Downey, Jr. Agrees to Star in ‘Iron Man 4′ (On One Condition…)
Robert Downey, Jr. Agrees to Star in ‘Iron Man 4′ (On One Condition…)
Robert Downey, Jr. Agrees to Star in ‘Iron Man 4′ (On One Condition…)
First, the good news: Robert Downey, Jr. has agreed to star in 'Iron Man 4' for Marvel! Considering everything he has been saying over the past year or so - essentially that he can't imagine an 'Iron Man 4' ever happening - that's a major step in the right direction and a huge win for Marvel Studios. But...Downey's agreement has come with one rather large condition. That his old friend, and current member of the Hollywood blacklist, Mel Gibson be allowed to direct.
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Review
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Review
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Review
Whereas Tom Hanks' Captain Phillips talked, finessed, sweated and went into shock to rescue his crew, Chris Evans' Captain America jumps onto a hijacked boat from a helicopter without a parachute. His liberation of a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel captured by international terrorists involves flinging himself across the deck; a human pinball with terrorists as his easily neutralized bumpers. Make that a supe
“X-Men: First Class” Adds to 2011 Summer of Hero Movies [VIDEO]
“X-Men: First Class” Adds to 2011 Summer of Hero Movies [VIDEO]
“X-Men: First Class” Adds to 2011 Summer of Hero Movies [VIDEO]
When I was a kid, I watched Saurday morning cartoons religiously, and one of my absolute favorites was X-Men.  To this day, I have awaited every single movie adaptation of the Marvel Comics franchise that has ever been done, with child-like anticipation...