Apparently, they've caught on camera chairs moving and bowls being thrown off shelves. Also-- the sound of a little girl laughing. Here come the willies...
I wonder how many lanes they had- it looks like MAYBE two. When did it open? When did it close down? Did anyone ever bowl a 300 there? So many questions!
Mariano Medina was a fur trader, a guide, a horse/pony trader and businessman in the Big Thompson Valley/Loveland area in the mid-late 1800s. He helped Loveland become a community with his toll bridge that took travelers over the Big Thompson River. He was a short-statured man, with big charisma.
When The Foundry opens in the spring of 2018 with a movie theater, a plaza and an ice cream stand. Will it also include an establishment that used to exist in Downtown?
They’ve been open for 15 years, but now the time has come to move on, apparently. One of Loveland’s fanciest places is calling it quits, and it sounds like you better get there quick because they're asking for their check.