Great Colorado Pie Fight

What is Your Favorite Pizza Topping?
What is Your Favorite Pizza Topping?
What is Your Favorite Pizza Topping?
The Great Colorado Pie Fight is only days away, and it's no secret that I'm really excited! I can't wait to sample all the different pizzas that are going to be at our fingertips. I've been thinking a lot about which toppings I would like to see the most at the event; and there are definitely more than a few. It got me thinking, though: Which topping do I want on my pizza the most; not just at the pie fight, but in life?
What's the Worst Pizza You've Ever Had?
What's the Worst Pizza You've Ever Had?
What's the Worst Pizza You've Ever Had?
With the Great Colorado Pie Fight coming up soon, pizza is definitely on my mind a lot. While we're bound to see tons of examples of pizza done right at this event, I've actually started thinking back to times I've ran into pizza done wrong. One memory in particular stands out for me...