
Self-Driving Cars Are On The Way
Self-Driving Cars Are On The Way
Self-Driving Cars Are On The Way
We don't know much about the details, but there have been reports that Google is developing a car that drives itself, guided by computers, GPS and a whole bunch of sensors. A computer-driven Prius has been spotted around Northern California.
Google Officially Launches Google Music
Google Officially Launches Google Music
Google Officially Launches Google Music
A new Google product is officially upon us and it’s Google Music. The Beta version was available for a good chunk of time and it allowed users to upload up to 20,000 songs, free of charge, to the cloud, so it could be streamed no matter the user’s location. Well, now the service has been upgraded with the launch and there is so much content and convenience that will be yours for the taking. Read M
Celebrate Google’s Birthday With Every Google Doodle [ART]
Celebrate Google’s Birthday With Every Google Doodle [ART]
Celebrate Google’s Birthday With Every Google Doodle [ART]
Google turned 13 Tuesday, and the search engine celebrated its big day the same way it has every year since 2002 — with a special anniversary doodle. This year’s effort, a staid, retro birthday party scene, doesn’t quite seem befitting of a newly-minted teenager. But, then again, ...
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
After several prior failed attempts to challenge social media behemoth Facebook, Google introduced a new service on Tuesday that it hopes will finally do the trick. Called the Google+ project, it’s currently only available to a select group of Google users — they’ll soon be able to invite others — and it will let people share and discuss status updates, photos and links, just like they do on Faceb
Wyoming Has Gone Google, Literally [VIDEO]
Wyoming Has Gone Google, Literally [VIDEO]
Wyoming Has Gone Google, Literally [VIDEO]
Wyoming, our friendly neighbor to the north has been a state with many firsts. The first state with a National Park, the first state to have a rodeo, and the first state to grant women the right to vote. Now, Wyoming has switched the State Government to a new Google application for email, calendar, and documents.