Rocky Mountain Rich: Colorado Has 7 Billionaires Including Fort Collins’ Pat Stryker
Pat Stryker's grandfather founded Stryker Corporation which deals in medical technology. As heir to that wealth, Pat Stryker's wealth grew again.
Many may not know that Bohemian Nights in Fort Collins, which falls under the Bohemian Nights Foundation, is owned and operated by Pat Stryker. She uses her wealth to support music, community along with global and civic programs.
According to the Denver Post, Pat is among the seven richest Coloradans according to the latest list from Forbes, the 'Forbes 400.'. Her 2021 worth sits at $3.4 billion, which is nearly one billion dollars more than her wealth in 2020, when it stood at $2.5 billion.
I often wonder where Pat Stryker lives in the Fort Collins area. I'm sure somebody knows, I just haven't run into anybody who does. Is it in the city, or say in the Red Feather Lakes area, and they just say 'Fort Collins' to make it easier.
Regardless, I am highly unlikely to ever set foot in her house, wherever it may be.

Stryker is just one of seven that made the list of the Forbes 400's wealthiest people in America. Seven billionaires, that would be, that live in Colorado.
Forbes' 7 Colorado Billionaires for 2021
More Richie Riches: The richest person in every state
Find out more about the 2021 Colorado billionaires from the Denver Post HERE.
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