Rihanna Was Almost Bankrupt in 2009
Rihanna is one of the hardest working and most successful pop stars in the world, with lots of endorsements and revenue streams. However, a new lawsuit filed against her accountant reveals that the diva was almost bankrupt back in 2009. How the heck did that happen?
A terrible accountant, that's how.
RiRi's suit, as reported by TMZ, claims she had $11 million in cash in early 2009. By the end of the year, that sum in her reserves had dwindled to $2 million. Her expenses had doubled, so she was in a monetary bind.
What happened to that $9 million? Well, she says the accountant advised her to buy a house for $7 million so she did. She then sold it and took a $2 million loss on the property.
Her Last Girl on Earth Tour that year also lost money, but her accountant failed to inform her of this fact.
She is claiming that her numbers person grossly mismanaged her funds.
Despite being thisclose to bankruptcy, RiRi is now said to be worth $43 million. Despite her bounceback, her accountant is not excused for shady practices.