Since they were holding the Republican presidential debate at Colorado University, I was more interested to see it, so we tuned in for a good bit of it.

I'm not sure why the fact that it was at CU made any difference to me. It looked just the same was it would have anywhere. Still, we tuned in to the second half.

Some parts of it were enjoyable, and it was good to hear some of their ideas.

Here are a couple of things that stood out for me.

It was Trump-centric. CNBC obviously knows who garners clicks. They gave Trump a lot of time, as debates usually do with the front runner.

In fact there were reports that Bush's campaign people got into a heated fight with CNBC people during the proceedings over time allotments.

Also, they asked some really low blow questions. Like the one where they basically invited Bush to attack Trump. Jeb didn't really take the bait, and Trump chimed, "That was a nasty question." He was right.

People were tweeting that Trump is like Reagan. I see a comparison. Trump is the only person, like Reagan, who was ever an entertainment star. He's got a swagger that made a network want to put him on TV. Reagan acted and performed in film, that's a much higher level than Trump's time on reality TV, but being on a network is nothing to sneeze at. The only thing a TV network is looking for is watchable presence, no matter if it comes from the craft of acting or just being an interesting person. He's got a camera readiness that isn't available to the career politician, former surgeon, or former CEO. Those people end up on TV, but there aren't any network execs trying to figure out a way to put them on their channel every week.

Every single one of them that were on stage in front of America last night are the among the best at what they do. It just so happens that one of the things that Trump is really good at is being on TV. He was very natural up there. He was able to overshadow them with his presence.

Other things

Mike Huckabee said that we need to improve the health not the health care. I loved hearing that.

Gov. John Kasich spoke about how he improved his state's medicaid without cutting services or taking it away from people by improving the health of the people and by using technology. Once again, I loved it.

Carly Fiorina blinks a lot. And she is not Hillary's worst nightmare, as she claimed to be in her closing statements. Bush might be. Trump might be. But I don't think Carly Fiorina would have a chance against Hillary. I mean, really. In her first foray into the political world Fiorina is going to beat one of the strongest political forces of the last 30 years? I think she's super smart and a total baller, but she ain't beating Hillary.

Chris Christie is a serious bummer. Seriously.

Bush coughed right in the middle of his wrap up, like he was doing some sort of cough code for Tallahassee. It was barely noticable, but I immediately imagined SNL working that into the skit that is inevitably coming on November 7 when Trump hosts. Bush will be all

[cough]Don't [cough]vote  [cough]for  [cough]Hillary.

Overall, I watch it for entertainment, so excuse me if my comments make it seem like I don't take this whole process very seriously. The truth is, I don't. We're lucky to have our system, and it's pretty darn good, but I'm not going to allow my happiness to rest with whom the American public elects, or seemingly elects. I'll vote when I'm inspired. Otherwise, it's just another show that I'll watch when it gets interesting.

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