This is a clever study, as it's not exactly broadcast to the world when a wedding gets called off!  That said, this is probably quite incomplete - but, there's still enough data to compare Colorado to the other 49 states.

Yeah.... We don't look too pretty here.  We're 10th in the nation when it comes to the most wedding cancellations, based on the number of engagement rings that get returned to the store!

Counting down ninth to first?  Illinois, Alabama, California, New Jersey, Vermont, Florida, Missouri, Tennessee... and Alaska comes in at #1.

For fewest, we have Connecticut, Kentucky, South Carolina, Arkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, Delaware, South Dakota, Rhode Island, and Montana is #1 at sticking with the wedding plans.

Hey - Isn't it better to call it off than marry the wrong someone???  I was within three weeks of marrying a woman, and we both realized it wasn't right, just in time.  I knew I wanted to marry Kim from the day we met, and 12 years later, I wouldn't change it for anything!


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