Mondays, to me, always bring possibility. More than anything else I think about Mondays as the gateway to accomplishment. Every major achievement, every undertaking that changed the world, even one of the most popular story of the creation of the world started with a Monday.

The week that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence started with a Monday. The week when Lincoln freed the slaves started with a Monday. The Wright Brothers historic flight? Didn't take place on a Sunday, I can tell you that.

There is a mathematical formula with which we can figure out the day of the week that all historic events occurred, as long as we have the date of the event. While I am not here to do math, I am here to point out that every single one of these accomplishments started with a week that began with a Monday. And Monday is usually not the day that the big things happen. It's only the warm up.

Launching the rocket that first made it to the moon happened on a Wednesday, July 16, 1969. The day the Wright Brothers first took flight? A Thursday.

So, before you decide that Mondays are a bad thing, just consider that when the sun rises on another blessed week on this beautiful planet Earth, your Monday could be the start of a week like Newton had when he identified and described gravity, like Pete Rose had when he cracked base hit 4,192 or like Michael Jackson did when he released Thriller (Dec. 1, 1982, a Wednesday).

That could be the kind of week you have. That's the kind of week I hope you have.


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