With pho-nomenal flavors, pho-bulous prices, and meals that are healthy pho you– the first ever Mobile Pho restaurant has rolled into Fort Collins, and is now parked in Old Town Square. 

Mobile Pho via Facebook
Mobile Pho via Facebook

Several other restaurants in the area do have pho on the menu, but right now, this is the only transportable shop in town. While Mobile Pho's menu may be small, it's stocked with a variety of choices, including beef, chicken, meatballs, and multiple seafood options, priced at $7. They also have 4 seasons rolls, available in shrimp and tofu, for $4.

Pho Mobile via Facebook
Pho Mobile via Facebook

In case you've never had pho before and want to know a little bit more, it's a Vietnamese, broth-based dish that's quickly gaining popularity all over the country. The broth is rich, and becomes more flavorful as different spices and ingredients are added. The meats, noodles, and fresh veggies are cooked right in the spiced broth, and you can put even more seasonings, sauces, and herbs in your bowl prior to eating. Be sure and give the new Mobile Pho a try next time your in Old Town!

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