Things Mariah Carey currently has: five Grammys, a five-octave range, the distinction of having sold more than 200 million albums.

Things Mariah Carey does not currently have: a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (!).

Today (July 27), the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce acknowledged a most disturbing act of effrontery when it admitted that the "Infinity" singer's name is not yet carved into the tourist attraction, which is located between the corporate office space for and a novelty bar called Cardioke (?) according to Google Maps.

Here are other people who already have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame that are not HSN fanatic Mariah Carey:

- Backstreet Boys
- Drew Barrymore
- "Iron Eyes Cody"
- John Drew Barrymore
- Literally Bugs Bunny does
- Crosby, Stills and Nash (together)
- Xavier Cugat (?)
- Dear Abby, the advice column
- Godzilla
- Engelbert Humperdinck
- Enduring female rock group Heart, who were called Hocus Pocus for a short time between 1972 and 1972
- Not Mariah Carey

"Finally, all questions regarding when Mariah Carey will be honored with a star are answered!" Ana Martinez, Producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremonies, said of the August 5 unveiling at the W Hotel, according to a statement. "Fans have repeatedly asked us when their favorite singer would be honored, and now is the time! We are thrilled that we can add one of the world’s biggest talents to our Walk of Fame."

Carey's star will be the 2,556th star on the row but the first in our hearts. You can stream the event here at 11:30 AM PDT.


See what these celebrities looked like when their first albums were released:


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