Major Fort Collins Road To Be Closed for Six to Eight Weeks
Fort Collins residents and those commuting in and out of the city can expect a disruption to your usual routes to and from wherever you might be headed - at least if you use one of the main arteries into town from the interstate each day.
A project is starting May 15th to address needed repairs and upgrades along Prospect Road, in a few different sections of town spanning essentially from the Colorado State University campus nearly reaching all the way to I-25.
The larger project will be broken into three separate sub-projects, each impacting a different part of town and likely affecting your commute in a few different spots along the way.
Part one of the project involves the replacement of a water line, resulting in the complete closure of Prospect Road westbound between Lemay and Robertson. Eastbound traffic will navigate through a single lane in this area of town. This is scheduled to begin on May 15, 2023 and should last between 6 and 8 weeks.
Part two focuses on repairing leaking and waterproofing concerns in the pedestrian and bicycle tunnel that passes under Prospect near Center Avenue. Starting on May 22, this phase of the project is estimated to last until early August. However, there is a silver lining: the underpass should reopen just in time for the fall semester at the nearby CSU campus.
Finally, part three of the project is simply to repave Prospect Road from Timberline Road to Sharp Point Drive. This is scheduled to begin on June 5 and should be completed within a week or so, by June 12, weather permitting.
You can stay up to date on the project and get a full run down of the work to be done on the City of Fort Collins website.