Having fun, celebrating independence, and staying safe are three main elements to every Fourth of July holiday. This weekend the Larimar County Sherrif’s office will be focusing on the ‘safety’ piece by conducting DUI checkpoints across the county beginning today.

The goals are to educate the public regarding the dangers of drinking and driving, and to prevent alcohol related traffic fatalities. Nearly 150 people died on Colorado roadways last year in alcohol related accidents. Last year there were 615 DUI arrests in Colorado during the 4th of July weekend. Mothers Against Drunk Driving report that every minute someone is injured in an alcohol-related crash in the United States, and every 50 minutes, someone dies.

On average a DUI can cost you more than $10,270 dollars in court fees, insurance premiums, alcohol education classes, the loss of your license and in some cases an ignition interlock that has to be installed in your car.

If you plan on drinking, make alternate plans for transportation.

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