People visiting Colorado from out of state frequently comment about how friendly the people are here. From saying hello to fellow trail users, sharing the road with electric scooters and e-bikes, or politely holding the door open for someone at the store, Colorado seems to be some of the friendliest citizens there can be.

But, rude people exist everywhere -  including here in Colorado. You tend to find more of them in bigger cities because everything is more fast-paced. People are in a hurry and looking out for themselves, which can come across as being aloof. However, even in smaller towns, you will still run into a few rude people.

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Business Insider and Survey Monkey recently came up with a list ranking the rudest cities across America. To get these results, the team surveyed more than 2,000 American adults, asking them to choose the five rudest cities from a list of the 50 largest metro areas in the country.


According to the results, the rudest residents hail from New York City. Just over a third of respondents said NYC was the rudest, followed by Los Angeles at 19.7 percent.

Raleigh, North Carolina was the city ranked to have the least rude inhabitants.

Which Colorado City Was Named One of the Rudest in the Nation?

San Diego Chargers v Denver Broncos
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If you guessed Denver, you are correct.

Fortunately, this Colorado city fell fairly low on the list, coming in at No. 44 out of 50. Based on the survey results, 1.7 percent of respondents thought Denver had the rudest inhabitants. In the grand scheme of things, that's not too bad.

However, the article also points out that Colorado as a whole, has a very welcoming, carefree culture.

Stay kind, Colorado.

15 Colorado Towns That Have the Dirtiest Sounding Names

Have you ever been studying a map of Colorado only to come across a town with a rather dirty-sounding name? Of course, you have. Every state has a few awkward town names that just sound wrong when you read them out loud. Today we are looking at 15 of them in the Centennial State.

LOOK: Where people in Colorado are moving to most

Stacker compiled a list of states where people from Colorado are moving to the most using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

15 Colorado Towns That Have the Dirtiest Sounding Names

Have you ever been studying a map of Colorado only to come across a town with a rather dirty-sounding name? Of course, you have. Every state has a few awkward town names that just sound wrong when you read them out loud. Today we are looking at 15 of them in the Centennial State.

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