I-25 Lane Expansion Project Gets $1 Million Commitment from Windsor
The daily headache of traveling on I-25 may get worse before it gets better, with the proposal to add lanes to the highway between the Johnstown exit to north of Fort Collins. According to the Coloradoan, the town of Windsor is on board, pledging $1 million to the proposed project. This was a necessary commitment, due to the two federal grants that would finance the project requiring matching funds. Currently, the majority of the funds needed will be provided by CDOT and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization. However, CDOT is asking communities that will positively benefit from a lane expansion of I-25 to contribute funds.
According to Kelly Arnold, the Windsor Town Manager, the $1 million request by CDOT is doable and fits into their three-year financial plan for improvement programs. With the projected population of both Larimer and Weld Counties expected to double by 2040, from its 2012 numbers. An expansion of I-25 to avoid the already congested highway is a priority for the community, that needs to be addressed sooner than later.