How Likely is a White Christmas in Fort Collins?
This will be our first Christmas in Northern Colorado and we are very excited to start some new traditions. Coming here from Seattle, where it did not snow that much at all, we always had a tradition of heading up to the mountains a day or two before Christmas to do some sledding, get some pictures etc...and now we're excited to start some new traditions here.
According to the Coloradoan, Fort Collins has about a 45% chance of snow being on the ground and a 30% chance of snow actually falling on Christmas Eve into Christmas morning. The last time Fort Collins saw any kind of snowfall ON Christmas was back in 2016 when that marked the third consecutive year that it snowed on Christmas.
According to the National Weather Service, they're calling for blustery conditions mid week and a VERY slight chance of snow but that's most likely to stay up in the higher elevations. So the short answer for 2020 is...it's going to be a brown Christmas and a white one is highly unlikely BUT...if you really want to experience a white Christmas, there are some spots that are pretty much a lock to get a white Christmas.
The best chances in Northern Colorado to experience a white Christmas are...
- Estes Park: 63% of snow on the ground. 25% chance of snow falling on Christmas Eve.
- Boulder: 47% of snow on the ground. 30% of snow falling on Christmas Eve.
- Loveland: 38% of snow on the ground. 13% chance of snow falling on Christmas Eve.
- Greeley: 37% of snow on the ground. 20% snow falling on Christmas Eve.
LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born
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