You see it all the time and hear about it often; I especially know because I write about these things often, too often if you ask me.

Run-ins between wildlife and humans, and it's gotten to the point where I'm starting to wonder why so many people seem to have death wishes upon themselves, and I also often wonder why the IQ of the average human is so low these days.

Granted, some of these run-ins are simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time and purely accidental, and in that case, there really is nothing you can do (except the right thing) because we do live in their territory.

When it comes to "the right thing" with elk, it can be tricky because they truly have no fear when it comes to them and humans. Like many other wild animals, when their babies are with them, they are super protective and will do anything to protect them if they feel threatened, so remaining calm, although easier said than done, is important.

Another time when elk run-ins are likely to happen is rut season which is their mating season that runs through mid-September to early/mid-November when they are a little grumpier than at other times of the year.

Looking at the trees and seeing the leaves off the trees, it seems like this could have occurred around then, too, and it's never uncommon to see these things roaming around Estes Park, especially during that time of year.

Now in this particular case, I'm not 100% sure what originally caused this run-in. Still, just looking at the video from where it started to where it ended, it seems like the man involved did a pretty good job and the right thing by standing his ground, backing away slowly,  putting a tree and eventually a passing vehicle that stopped between him and the elk (who was less than thrilled with the gentleman).

YouTube/Jordan Hamlin


For the record, here is what to do if you ever encounter an elk in the wild.


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