Great Plates for the Food Bank for Larimer County 2018
A 2-week window to get into Downtown Fort Collins and enjoy great food while being able to say you helped raise over $100,000 to help the hungry in our community!
Townsquare Media is proud to be a sponsor of the 13th annual ‘Great Plates’ for the Food Bank of Larimer County. It runs March 1-14, 2018. What will you try?
In 2017, Downtown Fort Collins' Great Plates presented by Kaiser Permanente raised over $110,000 for the Food Bank of Larimer County. That is extraordinary! But, it's easy to see why it's always such a success: 25 restaurants in Downtown Fort Collins, offering special, limited-edition dinner meals for only $25!
Keep in mind, the meals that the restaurants are offering ARE only $25, but that does not include tax or tip. It also does not include your DONATION to the Food Bank for Larimer County. Each restaurant will supply you with a donation envelope for a separate donation, or you can use a 'special' tip line on your credit/debit card receipt.
25 great restaurants in Downtown Fort Collins -From Austin's to Welsh Rabbit Bistro! Some deals are $25 for 1-person, some are $25 for 2-people, some are $25 for a group! Plus, there's a WIDE variety of restaurants for you to choose from. Why not go twice? You could go the first week and hit up one of your old favorites, and then venture to a NEW place on the second week!
The Food Bank for Larimer County tells us that 14% of Larimer County residents live at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines; 30.8% of single mothers with children live in poverty; 33% of Larimer County school-age children receive free/reduced lunch.
Every $1 that YOU donate, gives the Food Bank $5 in buying power for our community!
Get more information- including the FULL LIST of restaurants - HERE!