Fort Collins’ Trolley Needs Conductors for Its 100th Year
You could really be part of history as a conductor for Birney Car 21 this summer! Can you spare a few weekends and a couple of holidays?
100 years! That's crazy, right? Fort Collins' historic trolley car is set to hit the road (Mountain Avenue) again this May, for its 100th year! Imagine the joy you'd help to bring people by being one of the trolley's volunteer conductors!
The Coloradoan has the story on how the Fort Collins Municipal Railway needs staffers to pilot Birney Car 21 this summer. It runs on weekends afternoons and holidays from May 4 through September.
You could say, 'You know, I was a conductor for its 100th year... No biggie.'
Just give them a call - 970-224-5372
Get more on the volunteer need from the Coloradoan HERE!