Fort Collins Middle School Put on ‘Lock Out’ Wednesday Afternoon
In these crazy times, it’s good to know that Poudre School District is diligent about student safety.
On Wednesday, October 3, 2017, Boltz Middle School in Fort Collins emailed all the parents about a ‘Lock Out’ that had occurred. Boltz was advised by Fort Collins Police Services to go into a ‘Lock Out’ at 12:20 p.m. A Lock Out is used when there are issues happening outside of a school building and is meant to be precautionary. During a ‘Lock Out’ school activities continue as normal, only nobody can enter the building.
Wednesday’s Lock Out was due to Fort Collins Police Services' patrol division being in pursuit of an individual on foot in Boltz’s general area. The school’s School Resource Officer was outside of the building monitoring the situation visually and by radio.
According to Boltz Middle School’s email on the event, at no time were the students threatened. The Lock Out was lifted at 12:37 p.m.