Fort Collins High School Locked Down After Ammo Magazines Found
Fort Collins High School was briefly placed in a lockdown Monday morning after students found a duffel bag in the road at the edge of campus containing empty ammunition magazines. After making the discovery, the students immediately reported the bag to a school resource officer, who then called in the cavalry from the Fort Collins Police Department.
After investigators determined there was no threat to the school, the lockdown was lifted just before 11:30.
According to the FCPD's Facebook page, "School Resource Officers investigated further and identified the bag's owner. Out of an abundance of caution, the school was placed in lockdown status while officers worked to locate the person. Upon contacting the owner, they determined that the person was not armed and there was no threat to school safety."
While many parents of students were looking for further information, a spokesperson for the police department responded in the comments that "Investigators reached this conclusion based on a number of factors; the magazines were empty and we found no indication that the bag was placed there intentionally or to cause harm or alarm (based on what officers gathered, it likely fell from a vehicle)."
Officers credit the students who found the bag for immediately coming forward and reporting it, proving the slogan "if you see something, say something" does in fact work.
The Fort Collins Police Department added: "We want to applaud the students who noticed something suspicious and immediately reported it. Students can always report safety concerns to police, school staff, or via the SAFE2TELL hotline (1-877-542-7233) or online at www.safe2tell.org.