Food Bank for Larimer County Has a Great Idea for Your Garden
It's getting to be the time of year where you'll start deciding what to put out in this year's garden. The Food Bank for Larimer County has a suggestion before you get started, and it's a great one!
Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, squash. What will you be putting in your garden THIS year? Here's something that you can put in your garden that you might not have ever thought of: An extra row.
One extra row- and what you grow there, you donate to the Food Bank! I saw their suggestion, and though I don't have a garden, I thought it was a fantastic idea! You plant just a few more items and help out the food-insecure in our community!
It's their 'Plant It Forward' program that's been around since 2011. In 2016, local gardeners donated over 50,000 pounds!
You can take your produce to the Food Bank during the week, or you can drop it off at the Gardens at Spring Creek on the weekends.
Get the details from the Food Bank for Larimer County- then get to gardening!