Early Colorado Voting is 2,377% Higher in 2020 Than in 2016
Colorado has made it clear that its voice will be heard in 2020.
Mail-in voting has increased 2,377 percent since this time in 2016, according to the Denver Post and the Secretary of State's Office.
Most Colorado counties are not yet offering in-person voting so very few are voting in person as COVID hit record numbers this week in Colorado.
The Denver Post reported that Democrats typically vote later than Republicans and, as of late Wednesday, 300,795 Coloradans had voted. Of the voters, 46 percent were registered Democrats with only 30 percent as registered Republicans.
For 2020, Colorado Democrats have grown to have over 100,000 in Democratic voter registration advantage, Democratic political consultant Craig Hughes told the Denver Post.
Ryan Winger of the Republican polling firm Magellan Strategies, based in Boulder County, told the Denver Post that the percentage of unaffiliated voters is actually higher than that of Republicans right now.
How Colorado Has Voted in Every Presidential Election