B.F.--Before Facebook, high school reunions held mystery. What will 'so and so' look like? Did they ever get married? Did they ever get divorced?

We may have talked on the phone with our good friend, the one we always kept in touch with, and they could help to spread rumors, speculation and conjecture. However, the fact was, until we entered the ballroom of that hotel, we just didn't know.

Facebook, for better or worse, has become an instant high school reunion. With this comes some good, and some bad.

The Good

It's good to know that everyone, or most everyone, is healthy and is taking part in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every time I reconnect with an old high school bud and see pictures of them smiling, it truly fills my heart with warmth.

The Bad

Sometimes it is more fun to spend time catching up than it is clicking around. When you run into that person and are looking for things to talk about, if you don't need the gossip because you've seen it on Facebook, then what do you talk about?

Actually, I think that Facebook is probably giving us more, not less, to talk about. "Did you see 'so and so's kids are doing ____?" "I saw that you are working at ________. Congratulations!"

Also, from things I'm hearing, Facebook is really helping the organizers of the reunions to actually find the graduates.

So, once again, we have to say "Well played, Facebook. Well played."

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