A young osprey was rescued in Fort Collins over the weekend, thanks to the help of a few members from the city's utilities crew and Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers.

On Sunday (July 18), an osprey attempted to take its first flight from the nest, however, that plan didn't go very smoothly.

According to the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, baling twine was wrapped around the bird's left foot, which caused it to become caught in the nest. When the osprey finally broke free, it then got entangled in a nearby tree where it was stuck hanging upside down.

After a caring citizen noticed that the bird was stuck, calls were made in an attempt to get the osprey rescued. Josh Gilbert and Austin Knupp with Fort Collins Utilities, as well as CPW District Wildlife Manager, Ash Rhodes, responded to the location to assist with the extrication. The team safely untangled the osprey and brought it down, using one of the utility crew trucks that had an extended bucket.

The Rocky Mountain Raptor Program posted a video of the bird's rescue.

Later on in the afternoon on Sunday, the RMRP gave an update on the osprey's condition, explaining that it was exhausted from the earlier ordeal. The organization plans to assess the trauma to the left leg/foot over the next few days, and will rehab as necessary.

Hopefully, the osprey will make a full recovery and will soon be able to be released back into the wild.

According to the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, three other young ospreys were spotted in the same nest the following day.

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