City Asking Your Opinion For Old Fort Collins Kmart Location
For years it was KMART, now it's just an old building with a big parking lot. I thought it was going to be a new King Soopers based on earlier reports, but it turns out the City of Fort Collins is still figuring out what will happen in that location, in addition to the grocer. Currently, several MAX riders use the vacant parking lots. The parking lots are in desperate need of repair and they are full of potholes. Join the open house tonight if you would like to have a voice in what happens.
Press Releases
City to Host Open House October 10 on Midtown Plan Area
Contact Information
- Josh Birks, Economic Health and Redevelopment Director, 970-416-4349, jbirks@fcgov.com, Website: Website
The Fort Collins Urban Renewal Authority will seek input on a proposed Midtown Plan Area at a public open house from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, October 10 at the Christ United Methodist Church, 301 E. Drake Road.
The proposed Midtown Plan Area is generally defined as the area west of the intersection of Drake and College avenues to the railroad tracks, from the northern edge of the former Kmart building south to West Thunderbird Drive. Proposed redevelopment within the plan area could include 192 residential units, 160,700 square feet of retail and a 100-room hotel.
State law allows the URA to use future tax increment revenues created by redevelopment to fund public infrastructure. Revitalization of blighted property stimulates private investment and can lead to the attraction of new jobs, new businesses and elimination of existing blight preventing growth in economic value.
Midtown is a vital part of Fort Collins for a variety of businesses and neighborhoods. The proposed Midtown Plan Area seeks to complement current and future investment by developing a vision and associated land use tools. Plans and comments about this proposal can be reviewed at fcgov.com/ConceptualReview (select May 4, 2016 and August 30, 2017). Read more about the Urban Renewal Authority at renewfortcollins.com.