Teacher Tuesday: Amy Uhrich Is Colorado’s Teacher of the Year for 2022-23Teacher Tuesday: Amy Uhrich Is Colorado’s Teacher of the Year for 2022-23Amy Uhrich is a first grade teacher at Zach Elementary School.Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s Teacher of the YearTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s Teacher of the YearVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to be Teacher of the Year!Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: April’s Teacher of the Month Is Amy UhrichTeacher Tuesday: April’s Teacher of the Month Is Amy UhrichMs. Uhrich is a first grade teacher at Zach Elementary School.Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s April Teacher of the MonthTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s April Teacher of the MonthVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to win April's Teacher of the Month!Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: March’s Teacher of the Month Is Justice AlemanTeacher Tuesday: March’s Teacher of the Month Is Justice AlemanMs. Aleman is a science teacher at Eaton Middle School. Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s March Teacher of the MonthTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s March Teacher of the MonthVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to win March's Teacher of the Month!Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: February’s Teacher of the Month Is Shirley DavisTeacher Tuesday: February’s Teacher of the Month Is Shirley DavisMs. Davis is a 9th grade teacher at Windsor Charter Academy. Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s February Teacher of the MonthTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s February Teacher of the MonthVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to win February's Teacher of the Month!Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: January’s Teacher of the Month Is Stephanie CaudleTeacher Tuesday: January’s Teacher of the Month Is Stephanie CaudleMs. Caudle is a kindergarten teacher at Eaton Elementary School.Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s January Teacher of the MonthTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s January Teacher of the MonthVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to win January's Teacher of the Month!Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: December’s Teacher of the Month Is Kara EnglertTeacher Tuesday: December’s Teacher of the Month Is Kara EnglertMs. Englert is a social studies teacher at Milliken Middle School.Emily MashakEmily Mashak
Teacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s December Teacher of the MonthTeacher Tuesday: Vote for Colorado’s December Teacher of the MonthVote for a deserving Northern Colorado educator to win December's Teacher of the Month!Emily MashakEmily Mashak