Top 10 Best Moments for Denver Professional Sports Fans
Football season is over and who knows when baseball season will even start thanks to a work stoppage. We do have the Avalanche making waves in the NHL this season, but the playoffs don't start until May. And the Nuggets, well, we'll always have the Nuggets. And to be fair, they still have time to make a run of their own.
But this is the lull between football and baseball season, and it always feels like the longest couple of months in sports to me. Colorado is decidedly Broncos Country, first and foremost. And don't let anyone try to tell you differently.
Also don't let anyone tell you that Denver sports fans don't take loyalty to their teams seriously, because we do, in spite of what people from Kansas City or Detroit or Los Angeles will tell you.
So as we wait for the NFL draft in April, or to find out just what Aaron Rodgers might do, or what other quarterback might make his way to Denver - and as we wait to find out just what's going to happen with a 2022 baseball season - it's as good a time as any to recap and relive the glory of the 10 Best Sports Moments for Denver sports fans in our recent history.