Bald eagles from northern states and Canada make Fort Collins their winter home. They journey south each fall to spend the winter in relatively milder temperatures. They spend nights in communal roosts in cottonwood trees near Fossil Creek Reservoir. You can view the eagles in their natural habitat. City of Fort Collins Master Naturalists will be stationed at the viewing pier and/or amphitheater to explain the eagles’ natural history and help visitors view them through spotting scopes and binoculars. Eagles can be up to 1.25 miles away and not easily photographed.

Bald Eagle near Fossil Creek Reservoir
Ralph Smith, Green Drake Photography

Where are the Eagles?

The viewing pier is open year round but Cattail Flats Trail is closed in the winter to prevent disturbance to the eagles. Fossil Creek Reservoir Natural Area is located on the north side of Carpenter Road/ CR 32, approximately one mile west of I-25, or two miles east of Timberline. The approximate address is 3340 Carpenter Road.

When is the Best Time to View the Eagles

Drop in any time during these programs. They are free and no registration is required. If temperatures are below freezing, or it’s windy or foggy, or unsafe to drive, the Eagle Watches may be canceled. Be sure to visit for weather cancellations and updates before you go. Cancellations will be posted at least two hours before program start times.

Eagle Watch Dates and Times:

  • Saturday, January 28, 3:30-5:00
  • Friday, February 3, 4:00-5:30
  • Saturday, February 4, 4:00-5:30
  • Friday, February 10, 4:00-5:30
  • Saturday, February 11, 4:00-5:30
  • Friday, February 17, 4:00-5:30
  • Saturday, February 18, 4:00-5:30

A big thank you to my friend Ralph Smith from Green Drake Photography for sharing the wonderful eagle photos!

juvenile eagle homing in on a fish laying on the ice
Ralph Smith, Green Drake Photography
Bald Eagle near Fossil Creek Reservoir
Ralph Smith, Green Drake Photography









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