Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois is now poised to get the vote of every woman in America thanks to a new spread in Men's Health, in which our nation's youngest congressman can be seen posing shirtless.

But before you accuse him of trying to advance his celebrity, the 29-year-old hunk is actually doing it for a cause.

Schock has teamed with the magazine, who naturally dubbed him "America's Fittest Congressman," on its Fit for Life Summer Challenge, a campaign designed to help Americans lose weight and get in shape by Labor Day.

"Health care may be the single biggest factor in our nation's ongoing budget crisis," he said."Yet 8 out of every 10 dollars we spend on health care is spent on diseases that are preventable; if only we took better care of ourselves."

If the Fit for Life Summer Challenge helps us look as good as Schock does, sign us up.

Aaron Schock

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