It didn't sound this bad.

Here's what it sounded like with all the pieces.

I'm not sure who releases them, or why. Well, there was one recent case where a sound guy says he was stiffed by Courtney Love and her people, so four years after not getting paid (according to the comments in the video) he posted this to get back at her.

Now, when it comes to not being paid, I guess I could see why someone would post a video.

Not gonna pay me? Okay. Let's see how you like the world to know that you actually stink at playing guitar, and wouldn't sound so good if it weren't for the downtrodden sound people of the world?

Vindictive, but, I guess I get it.

But why did someone leak the mic feed of Mariah? The one above exists on a Youtube channel that belongs to digitalfreaknyc, though in today's connected world, that can very well have little to do with who actually let it out (if it is in fact real, which, after listening to both versions very closely, I believe it is).

With Mariah's performance at the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center, there were stories that she was late and missed her slot. According to a Boston radio station, Mariah showed up and demanded that she be allowed do it live.

If NBC doesn't police the footage of their performers a little better, they may find that some don't want to be on their network. For whatever reason, Mariah's voice may be failing her, because this isn't the first performance that I've seen of her Christmas classic that had me thinking that this isn't the Mariah Carey of the 90's. We all know that, though, and I don't want to be reminded of it. So if this footage leaked from some disgruntled or otherwise employee of NBC, Mariah and other performers should know that when they go to NBC, they are vulnerable to such releases.

What if they have a little cold? What if they just aren't at their best that day? Are they going to see and hear unflattering videos of themselves all over the net?

I like to do my best at my job every day. Some days are better than others. Anyone else have that experience?

For performers, for whom image is everything, to know that they can't trust the people they are working with to protect their image is a bit disconcerting.

Some vocal performances are perfect, and need little or no support. Others are a production that require not only the accompanying music and singers, but also visuals, like a massive performance with dancers, props and one of the world's most famous trees. To isolate any part of it makes it look smaller.

I wouldn't be surprised if the first video in this post gets disabled, so watch it while you can and let us know what you think about it.


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