
Did You Know There are Tarantulas in Colorado
Did You Know There are Tarantulas in Colorado
Did You Know There are Tarantulas in Colorado
I did not know this... I knew that they were in the southwestern part of the United States, but had no clue that there are giant arachnids in our state! My wife is petrified of spiders and I find it mildly comical how hysterical she gets when even the topic of spiders come up...
Man Opens Package Marked ‘Return To Sender,’ Tarantula Crawls Out
Man Opens Package Marked ‘Return To Sender,’ Tarantula Crawls Out
Man Opens Package Marked ‘Return To Sender,’ Tarantula Crawls Out
When you arrive to your new place and find a package marked 'return to sender,' you might not want to open it - there might be a giant, hairy spider inside! That's what happened to a U.K. man - a package marked 'return to sender' sent to his new address contained a Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater, the third largest spider in the world...