An official Rocky Mountain National Park press release stated that road construction operations on a three-mile portion of U.S Highway 36 will now expand into the day.
We're used to the construction on I-25 bringing two lanes down to one. But, when that one car cuts everyone in line and merges last minute—they're right, you're wrong.
Rejoice, everyone; Prospect Road in Fort Collins is now open again, and the best way I know how to describe what the last few months have been like is with GIFS.
Fort Collins residents may experience some traffic congestion on Remington Street soon, but the stretch of road that runs perpendicular to College Avenue is going to be more bike-friendly.
Parking in downtown Greeley has always been tough, and the congestion caused by full street parking is a constant issue. So the city took steps to alleviate the problem by removing 16 spaces from the downtown area.