This was shot a few years ago in Colorado State Forest west of Cameron Pass.
I was definitely too close to this big boy. They say you know you are too close to a moose if it is looking at you. Staring is even worse. If it starts to snort or stamp it's feet, start thinking about looking for cover, or a tree to climb...
Recent news stories show that moose can be quite dangerous to humans. Here are some steps to avoid problems in the wild with these extremely large animals.
Colorado is impossible to pigeonhole. We've got vast mountains and inner city cool. There are windswept plains that seem to have no end, and grassy, rolling hills.
Have you ever gone to one of our county parks, pulled in to park and realized that you don't have the little bit of cash (or check) needed to legally enter?
Plan your vacation, staycation, or quick trip to the mountains around this time of year and you will be able to enjoy the following perks, just because of your timing.
Cornice Run is irresistable.
It can be seen from the chair, with the shadows and serrations of the edge making me think, "That's a blue?" For A-Basin, that's what a blue run looks like.
This is part of a series that discusses a western road trip that can blow your recreation mind, in winter or summer. Because I’m a big snowhead, I’ll refer to the ski resorts a lot, but these areas have world class recreation in most categories and seasons.
The final leg of our trip takes from one land of peace and abundance to another.