Loveland Restaurant Serving $1 Long Island Ice Tea in March
It’s officially March, which means it's almost spring! A new month also means that Applebee’s has a brand new $1 drink of the month!
This month only, northern Colorado Applebee's locations $1 drink of the month is the Long Island Ice Tea.
Loveland Applebees - 213 E 29th St, Loveland, CO 80538
Greeley Applebees - 4100 W 10th St, Greeley, CO 80634
From dontwasteyourmoney.com:
Served in a 10-ounce mug, the Dollar L.I.T. is a blend of vodka, rum, gin, tequila, triple sec and sweet and sour, topped with cola. Yes, friends, those are five different spirits mixed together in one $1 cocktail.
Source: Applebees
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