A long-standing structure in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, not only has a history of prominent humans passing through its doors throughout the years, but it also has plenty of paranormal stories that have spawned from inside its walls over time as well.

The Highlands Ranch Mansion was built in 1891 by Samuel Allen Long. From 1897 to 1913 the property was home to John W. Springer, but then went through a series of different owners, including several notable Coloradans.

The Highlands Ranch Mansion is 22,000 square feet, with incredible architectural features like long hallways, two secret passageways, a private courtyard, elegant staircases, and 14 beautiful bedrooms.

Today, the stately site still functions as a working ranch. It also serves as an event venue and tourist attraction, offering free guided and self-guided tours. It's a valuable example of Colorado's history, reflecting the lifestyle of early settlers and pioneers of the area now known as Highlands Ranch.

But it's the presence of the unseen that attracts some folks to this historic property. For years, people have spotted spirits, heard voices, and experienced ghostly phenomena inside the mansion.

United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division/ Wikipedia, Public Domain
United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division/ Wikipedia, Public Domain

Although there's only been one confirmed death inside the structure throughout its long-standing history, there are allegedly many ghosts and spirits hanging around.

Some of the spooky stories reported from inside the mansion include workers hearing footsteps and calls of "hello" when they are alone inside the building, items in rooms that people have never entered being moved around, and lights randomly turning on in various rooms. Additionally, orbs have been recorded floating down the hallways. Many people have witnessed a little girl looking out of the windows and the most commonly reported spirit is that of a little boy with breathing issues.

Other visitors have felt a sense of sadness that they are unable to shake while walking through the mansion.

The local landmark takes advantage of the eerie experiences by welcoming paranormal investigators and ghost hunters to take tours of the former residence. Some of these visitors have documented signs of spirits through EVP devices and other ghost-hunting instruments.

The unexplained has become expected here, but that doesn't make this historic property any less significant. In fact, some would argue it only adds appeal to its character.

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Take a peek inside another famous Colorado mansion below.

Inside Colorado's Historic Sharp Mansion

This mega-mansion in Colorado Springs was recently listed for sale.

Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel

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