If you're looking for a date night or happy hour spot, you have come to the right place. There are so many great alcohol options in Northern Colorado.

Whether you like beer, wine, or other spirits, there are plenty of local spots that you will enjoy.

Coloradans Love Margaritas


Did you expect the margarita to be Colorado's favorite cocktail? It turns out it is true. In a new ranking, Margarita's were rated the most favored cocktail. The alcoholic drink is also America's favorite cocktail.

Margaritas were originally known as daisy cocktails. The history runs deep, all the way to the way to the 1930s. They became popular in Mexico before they became even more famous in the United States.

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Whenever I think about margaritas I think about this song.

We reached out to you via social media and asked where the best margaritas in Northern Colorado were. We were astounded by how passionate Northern Colorado was about margaritas.

Here are the most common answers.

10 Best Margaritas in Northern Colorado

We reached out to you on social media and asked where the best margaritas in Northern Colorado were. Here are the top 10 most commented picks.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

My Personal Favorite Margarita in Colorado

I am going to be honest with you: I am cheap. I enjoy getting the most bang for my buck. I have found that Fuzzy's Taco Shop is the ultimate place to get a margarita. The margaritas are big, they are strong, and they are tasty.

I especially love the margarita that has a Corona bottle in it. The beer bottle sits inside the margarita glass and it is great.

I am sure that margarita enthusiasts are shaking their heads at me while I am typing this. That is fine, I do not have to share.

This Local Colorado Mexican Restaurant Is One Of The Best

After opening in 2008, Las Palmeras Mexican Restaurant has become one of the area's very best locally-owned places to get delicious, and authentic Mexican food. We found this place by accident years ago while driving hungry down Main Street in Longmont and have been regulars ever since. The owner, the staff, the food, and the drinks are all top notch and that's what makes this one of Colorado's top choices for delicious Mexican food.

Gallery Credit: Big Rob TSM

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