People often express their personalities through their vehicles, whether by decorating their cars with bumper stickers or placing rubber ducks on the dashboard. In Colorado, motorists can further customize their cars with vanity license plates. For a fee of $60, these personalized plates allow motorists to select their preferred combinations of letters and numbers.

While many license plate requests gain approval annually in Colorado, plenty of others are rejected. When it comes to custom license plates, the DMV has a strict policy to keep things appropriate. They often deny requests that include offensive, lewd, foul, or downright rude combinations. So, if you're thinking of getting creative with your plate, it's best to steer clear of anything that might raise eyebrows.

Every entry for a customized plate configuration requires an explanation. An entry can be rejected if no meaning is supplied.

Last year, the state DMV approved 80,044 personalized license plate combos. However, they also rejected 270 of these requests.

Best Rejected Colorado License Plates

These are some of the most entertaining rejected vanity plates submitted for request in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel

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