I love afternoon naps and also Afternoon Maps on Mental Floss. One that I came across the other day revealed the median salary for millennials in each state.

So, here I go, off to fuel the fire of a war waged between Baby Boomers and their offspring. According to Business Insider, the median annual income for Mile-High millennials (that's anyone born between 1981 and 1997) is $24,000 per year.

Click on the infographic to see the full map from Mental Floss.


At first, I thought 'That's not great, considering a one-bed apartment anywhere in this state is going to cost you more than half of your monthly income.' But, compared to many other states, 24K isn't too bad.

Washington, which also has a very high cost of living, had the same number as Colorado. Whether you think it's too high or too low, the point is we should all probably start looking for jobs in Maryland, but not Alaska because melons are like, $14 and it's very cold. 

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